This Term we have introduced the matrix into our Science unit- Spinning in Space. The students are given the freedom to choose their own assessment pieces (with guidance) from the matrix, based around Bloom's six thinking levels. The assessments include activities geared towards those interested in both writing, mathematics, art, music, drama, presentations, research, independent and group work.
The tasks are briefly outlined on the matrix and it is up to the students to complete and present their assessment in a creative way that shows off their skills and ability to think at a higher level. This can be either a research paper, movie, recorded song with lyrics- the choices are endless.
As the students complete a task, they are to get it signed off by one of the teachers and engage in a conversation around their next assessment choice. The students are so enlivened by the idea of the matrix and the responsibility to direct their own learning, that we had several students take themselves off to the library during lunch time to get stuck into their independent assessment tasks.
It is great to see the students in Year 4 taking responsibility for their own learning and being so enthusiastic about it. We are interested to see how the students respond to the matrix after a couple of weeks of independence and self direction.