Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Motivated, Inspired, Encouraged

On Monday the 13th of August, the brilliant Steve Collis from Northern Beaches Christian School ran our Staff Development day here at Sacred Heart.

Steve showcased a range of innovative and exciting ideas around the management of open classrooms, 21st century pedagogy and inspired us to initiate a plan of our own.

Here in Year 4 we excited and ready to take a leap towards the future of education. We hope to be pioneers in shifting the thinking around the culture of education, by implementing our own innovate teaching and learning strategies within Sacred Heart.

The notion behind Steve Collis’ professional development linked perfectly across with the CEO’s iLe@rn position paper, which we had unpacked in our staff meeting earlier that week. The iLe@rn model conveys a set of skills in which students need to be able to work, collaborate and communicate in the 21st Century.  These concepts are not new to our pedagogy however, as teachers we need to magnify these skills in our learning space in order to advance the students and move forward in our profession.

We are excited at what lies ahead!

Melody Edelman & Amy Sherburd


  1. Great to see that you are both so keen to innovate and put into place some new structures and processes that have been inspired by Steve's presentation on Monday. I was really impressed with the way the children were all working so beautifully on my visit to the space today. I love the concept of the 'Cave', 'Campfire' and 'Watering Hole' as three distinct learning environments that that can be utilised by the children to accommodate the differing types of learning activities in which they engage. I thought our staff meeting in the 'Watering Hole' this afternoon also worked very well. The beauty of such a circular formation is that there is no 'head of the table' or boss and this promotes a more open discussion. I look forward to following your learning journey and particularly what the children have to say.

  2. We had our staff meeting at the 'Campfire' not the 'Watering Hole' - my mistake!
